Chemical Directory displays information about chemicals (physical and chemical characteristics, structure, and more) on the Internet in order to create a world-wide database.
The directory can be searched by, molecular formula, chemical name, technical specifications, or as well as by physical and chemical characteristics and combinations of those data. The chemical directory may also be searched by substructure. This is widely used by purchasing agents, researchers, chemists and industrialists. The search is relatively easy as it takes you to the particular chemical or supplier based on your requirement. In addition to that, links are also provided for other chemical associates.
Chemical directories can be of three types:
Chemical suppliers' database is available on print, and CDs that has to be bought or the internet that can be browsed for a small monthly fee. Chemical directory is like a business Bible for everyone associated with the chemical industry. The directories are user-friendly and consists of a useful database to appeal to all the concerned industries and encourage more trade.
The directory can be searched by, molecular formula, chemical name, technical specifications, or as well as by physical and chemical characteristics and combinations of those data. The chemical directory may also be searched by substructure. This is widely used by purchasing agents, researchers, chemists and industrialists. The search is relatively easy as it takes you to the particular chemical or supplier based on your requirement. In addition to that, links are also provided for other chemical associates.
Chemical directories can be of three types:
- Technically Oriented Chemical Directories: This type of chemical directory can be used to find a chemical by its molecular formula, common name, or other technical specification. It is a directory mainly used by technically sound specialists of chemicals. Such directories would have other technical features, such as chemical calculators that calculate different properties such as molecular mass from a formula or other information.
- Commercially Oriented Chemical Directories: This type of directory lists suppliers of particular chemicals in an alphabetical order. For example, you can find suppliers for absorbents, acids, alcohol, bleaching agents and so on. Some of these directories might also provide links to find chemical suppliers in different countries.
- Regional chemical directories: This type of directory seeks to promote the chemical industries of different regions. It would also help buyers to find sources near them, or low cost suppliers from all over the world.
- Chemical directory is a comprehensive online reference database of suppliers of products and services used in the chemical industries. It is designed to allow prospective buyers to efficiently search for vendors and products of the chemical industry.
- Access to the regional and international market for chemical products.
- More options that allows them to compare and analyze different products.
- Saves time and money searching for chemical vendors.
- Suppliers can benefit from the true merits of listing in a chemical directory as they have a more prominent presence there.
- It is a simple process for the suppliers to sign up in a directory.
- They can monitor hits in their online listing simply by signing up anytime.
- A Search engine optimization technique ensures that the listed suppliers are advertised where the customer is looking for them.
Chemical suppliers' database is available on print, and CDs that has to be bought or the internet that can be browsed for a small monthly fee. Chemical directory is like a business Bible for everyone associated with the chemical industry. The directories are user-friendly and consists of a useful database to appeal to all the concerned industries and encourage more trade.
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