Simple & Easy Media give good advice for interviews

Who does not want to spread the word about their business, service or product? Advertising as an expert with more than twenty years of experience in the field, I met hundreds of companies who wanted the same thing. My answer is to appear as a guest on local radio, television news shows and / or gain editorial coverage in the press that allows you to spread the word to thousands (perhaps millions) of consumers .

From my experience, here are some tips that will help anyone get started in the race to attract the attention of the media - radio and television. How do you know if you are a good candidate for radio and television.

Almost everyone can be a candidate for radio and television, but if you are a company with consumer-oriented products that you are a perfect! If you are a professional law firm, financial or related services to consumers what works for you too. With speciality programmes on radio and television on the right, relationships, lifestyles, health, gardening and more, there's no doubt there shows that you can fit your message .

Brand Does practice perfect?
Oh, absolutely. Professionals who are in the media all the time make it look very simple, but in fact it is a skill. Other interviews you do, you get better at defining your message and hone your presentation skills. And once you make a few radio call-in shows and speak to a few hosts, you will find that the questions you get are similar. Usually, there is one area of your message that is very interesting to people and you can start preparing your answers to react on the field.
Where to focus your pitches.

Shows on the local radio 250 watts or 1000 watt AM stations are an excellent starting point. There are also radio on the Internet, which is becoming increasingly popular and could be another good way to start. With more radio programming goes national programs of the weekend is also the best place to find radio who want to be invited.

To go after your local television morning news programs or weekend segments lifestyle. And there is also the community access cable, which can be relatively easy to obtain and can provide a wonderful experience and a way to build trust on your camera.

How Spark producer interest.
Well, first of all, stay on the news. Listen to the radio, read newspapers, watch television. Who helps you understand what is in the news and how your message can be linked with it. Once you have an angle or tie-in to a current news story, set up a press release that the positions you as an expert on this issue and sells them on why they should have you as a guest. Remember, pitch your expertise as a solution to a problem that makes the headlines - do not go on sale at an angle!

Preparing for the interview.
Make sure you are fully prepared with facts, figures, anecdotes and talk about it when you are on the air. Constitute a cheat sheet or cards loaded with your best information and key points. Most television interviews will be very short - three to five minutes at most - that you really know your message before you go on the air.

Are some testing with a friend or business associate acting as the host, so you get your answer. The audience can easily detect the difference between a guest bursting with knowledge and one whose knowledge well is drying. If you do not have much to say, you lose the audience's attention and credibility that you build with them.

Is it that as many interviews as possible.
There's nothing like overexposure, you want to make as many media interviews as you can. Other interviews you do, the more you can build buzz about your business, product or service. And you should make unannounced if necessary. Talk radio interviews are typically done from your home or office, which makes it very easy.

Think of the media as instant promotional opportunities, and be available day and night. Whenever you are on the air, you will increase your business, product or service visibility and sales.

How to get invited back.
You need to look good in the air. Enthusiasm speaks loud and clear, to keep the audience attentive you need to maintain a high level of interest throughout the interview.

Remember, the media is about entertainment. So you want to be both informative and entertaining, not boring. Doing it and you will find the jump in the host country to help you promote your message.

How to Give a Good Interview: Eat, Sleep and turn off your phone!
This seems obvious, but the first thing is to make sure you are really well rested and well nourished. Your attention is not focused, if you are hungry or tired.

Also, if you are doing a radio interview from your home or office, close yourself in a room where there are fewer distractions. Get your cell phone out of there! Then, try to relax and be yourself. Nobody knows your message like you - if you are really an expert. Enjoy!

And do not be too hard on you after your first appearance. Nobody goes out and bats a home run the first time at the plate. Then try to be as comfortable as possible and as prepared as you can be, you can enjoy yourself.

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