Direct marketing is often called a game of dollars - go to the main downward and understanding where to put in the time, money and effort where it will do the most good and returns them results you need. Success is often a matter of a fraction of a percent response, which can be thousands of dollars in sales.
Although aligned priorities and careful execution will profit, misplaced effort and negligent performance can cost you. If you keep the fundamental priority of the effort to list, offer, copy, design, direct your mail has the best chance of success. This long-held principle of direct mail success is just as valid today as it was in 50 years, despite all the advances in technology, regulations postal automation systems, computer models and others who have been introduced since then. The following shows you the basics and why they are still important.
The List of the Thing
The best product in the world, described in the fluid, persuasive prose in a beautiful package will not sell if it is presented to the wrong audience period. The list of recipients is the key to moving units, triggering responses, filling the seats and make money. Put more effort to choose, culling, maintaining, updating, specifying, selecting, aggregation, comparison, merge / purge of your list, and your response rate, it will reflect.
Clean accurate data is the foundation of a successful program, the conduct not only your first shipment, but reposting dictate your schedule, your results, your command flourish, your list rental program, and more. Without data, you may as well toss 30% of your equipment in the trash, it is certainly where they eventually anyway.
The selection is the starting point for basic - the more you know about a product or service, the more you can select the list. Your test program will be directly your selection list to a great extent, but if you are starting out and have no test data is the starting point. Test lists are small segments much larger than in the lists of their surface seems to fit the profile of clients that you have developed as part of product development. Small segments of many lists that match the profile will give you the answer data needed to refine the list of lists of those who actually match the profile of customers adequately to mail in volume.
If you are only testing lists, mail of the same coin, with the same offer, copy, the design, timing and other fixed elements, small segments and the list of data should be the only variable. Read this response data about 3 weeks later than fall, and you will really work that lists and those who do not. Once the data are in your segment of the review descriptions, and match them up to your responses, to see if there is a common theme among respondents who have not yet been scheduled.
Lists that are not drawing well at all, less than 25%, it can be abandoned for the time being. Lists in the mid 50% should be carefully considered and the selection criteria more closely aligned with those of the top 25%. The 25% can be sent by mail in volume. That represents 25% of all the characteristics that you want to emulate for mailings, providing a copy of the offer and will not change.
For non-profit organizations, this universe that will be used to select your tests is generally quite sharply defined, composed of two members, potential members of the group or some devices within or around your industry. Publications, les listes des membres d'organisations affiliées ou périphérique, la réunion ou salons participants, la liste des clients de tous les membres affiliés offrent des données plus fraîches que pour tester votre maison perspective liste, et il existe de nombreuses options au-delà those investigating. If your program is brand new and you start from scratch, try anything that seems reasonable - your assumptions are not as valid as the actual test data (see related article on the research data).
Once you have assembled a collection of validated data on the characteristics of your list of test, some of the selection criteria reliable, and realistic universe from which to draw the continuing work lists, the search is to locate on new listings that match these criteria as closely as possible Que. Be creative when sleuthing that may come from those.
If money is tight (when is it not?) You can offer lists of exchange with other interested parties. You can negotiate partial swaps, ask for a net name arrangements with larger sources of the list are viable once you have established a relationship with them, and there are a number of other approaches to buy lists unless the full fare. All they can do is say "No"
You have tinkered a set of lists, you feel will work on the basis of your test data, it's time to make it effective in the post. The Merge / Purge process is one that not only allows you to mail one piece by name, but the results of the purge according to the priorities that you have set tells you where your "good" sources of lists, how much cross-over is the list of sources, who really supplies the majority of your 'new' names, and a lot of other useful data. Be sure to work closely with your house data processing to achieve the merger / purge results you want.
Clean It Up
Now that you have a reliable partner, the efficient collection of many names on the basis of your test data, it is time to do the cleaning. Good data is not only the right names, but implies address hygiene, greeting and the kind of correction, updated mailing addresses, zip plus four others and append a list of cleaning chores, most of this that can be done electronically through processing software.
All this is done to make sure your carefully designed, well-written piece reaches its destination. Your house will probably mail, offer a number of options from the list hygiene, or know of a company processing data that can perform these functions at a per / mile. Enjoy all the ones you feel you need to get your squeaky clean. At the very least, address standardization, genderization, NCOA (National Change of Address) to update, zip +4, and postal presort should be applied, to help stimulate Your Rebate and save money .
The Offer
You have good data, good names in sufficient quantity and clean, accurate addresses, it is time to focus on what you sell. The offer is the heart of the direct mail piece. A carefully crafted offer can make or break a piece of mail response rate, but not the whole programme. The language and framing of this offer must be carefully studied.
It must be persuasive, not easily obtained elsewhere, a price well, relevant to the recipient, easy to understand and realize fast, not too complicated, and engage the audience. An enormous for a few sentences, but that is where the magic happens. Bids should be tested as rigorously as the lists. There are probably fewer variables with offer tests - there are only so many ways, the price of a product or service profitable - but how it is presented or framed almost infinite variations.
Confusion leads to "no response" from the audience, so keep it straight and simple as possible. Test prices only, premiums test, the test combinations or bundles of products, offering free trial samples, the test " 'til prohibit" offer (Record clubs raised to high art in the 80's with "Buy one, 12 more to get a penny for the rest of the year, unless you cancel" types of offerings), to try as much as you reasonably likely that whittle offer its most crystalline, effective better.
"Copy" does not Toner
Now you know that the product is capable of, under what circumstances they will buy it (or attend, or select it, or to vote for him, whatever the response is desired). Now it is time to know what aspect of the product really shines stage, the approach angle that the audience regarding the product, and what are the advantages and features, it will leave the shelf .
Copies should be a convincing description of the benefits to the purchaser of the product or service, price so that it seems almost too good to be true, apparently attractive if the buyer can not do without it. Copy, either long, short, poetic or realistic is the grease that allows the engine to run direct mail without the right to an answer - he leads the reader to the desired action, either to buy, store, monitor, mail back, enter, provide information, or dial.
Copies should be tested if you are promoting a new product, changes to an existing product, have minimal data or purchasing history for the public, or seek an entirely new package. Copy length could also drive a test format, just for the sheer space needed for a copy of the long, a letter package might be necessary to contain it, as opposed to the most popular postcard, with its limited real estate but low Bold colors and cost.
Talk to me!
The text should speak directly to the recipient - sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many times during the examination of packages, the copy contains only the directive tense "you" in the last line, if that. Talking to the reader and they put themselves in the position of listening and treat your copy as if you were speaking to them. Make sure all your responses to questions copy for the reader, "What's in it for me?" And it will sell. Copy of which has advantages in charge, sings softly to the reader, offers clear advantages benefits after imperative and met a couple of "small farm" are most likely to draw well - all the ingredients are there. All other things being equal, a good copy will be tight pull-out botched flaccid prose every time.
A word about length - there are no real "rules" on the copy - except if it works, use it. Copies should be long enough to tell the story to the reader, and not a word longer. If you take two pages to wax poetic on the latest techniques for disposal of industrial wastewater using solvents, so be it. If you test against stronger, more short and he loses copy - dump it! It's that simple.
Copy is a subjective element, like design, where everyone has an opinion, and in most cases, everyone is just as valid as the other. If your package has been tested extensively enough that you can test a single word to make a final choice appeal, you have other things to worry about - does not waste time arguing, put something in the mail!
Design - last but not least
Finally, the design of the package and its importance to the response rate, should be discussed. Design becomes more time spent compared to the effect on response than any other factor. Sometimes it for the reason mentioned above concerning the copy - it is subjective and everyone has a way of looking at the piece they are looking for. The only hard and fast rule on the design for the direct marketing is functioning properly. The postcard was printed inside right side? Does the device reaction fit easily into the envelope answer? Its function.
It should also be produced by the machines currently available in the electronic production facilities. There are as many formats as the imagination of marketing there, and some or all of them could work in circumstances - the only way to really know which is best is'. . . You guessed, the test! Test of a letter relative to a self-mailer, compared with a magalog, as opposed to a postcard, compared to a card in a deck, as opposed to a dimensional against a doormat (no longer Legal Postal). Test shapes, test multiple pieces, against one.
Since we mentioned at the beginning that the mail is a set of numbers, here's where good design can earn its stripes. Mail package the most expensive and testing of each component, removing each remail and until the response drops. The smallest number of pieces which has no adverse impact on the winning answer is - you want to test the Cadillac initially, and scale back 'til you are mailing VW beetle mass quantities. Good design should not be significant, it should just work to convey the message that the copy is proposed.
Now that you have your priorities in line successfully - provide, copy, design. Focus on your direct mail in order of priority, and your package will be lean, tight, effective and efficient. That is what we all shoot! "Enjoy!
Although aligned priorities and careful execution will profit, misplaced effort and negligent performance can cost you. If you keep the fundamental priority of the effort to list, offer, copy, design, direct your mail has the best chance of success. This long-held principle of direct mail success is just as valid today as it was in 50 years, despite all the advances in technology, regulations postal automation systems, computer models and others who have been introduced since then. The following shows you the basics and why they are still important.
The List of the Thing
The best product in the world, described in the fluid, persuasive prose in a beautiful package will not sell if it is presented to the wrong audience period. The list of recipients is the key to moving units, triggering responses, filling the seats and make money. Put more effort to choose, culling, maintaining, updating, specifying, selecting, aggregation, comparison, merge / purge of your list, and your response rate, it will reflect.
Clean accurate data is the foundation of a successful program, the conduct not only your first shipment, but reposting dictate your schedule, your results, your command flourish, your list rental program, and more. Without data, you may as well toss 30% of your equipment in the trash, it is certainly where they eventually anyway.
The selection is the starting point for basic - the more you know about a product or service, the more you can select the list. Your test program will be directly your selection list to a great extent, but if you are starting out and have no test data is the starting point. Test lists are small segments much larger than in the lists of their surface seems to fit the profile of clients that you have developed as part of product development. Small segments of many lists that match the profile will give you the answer data needed to refine the list of lists of those who actually match the profile of customers adequately to mail in volume.
If you are only testing lists, mail of the same coin, with the same offer, copy, the design, timing and other fixed elements, small segments and the list of data should be the only variable. Read this response data about 3 weeks later than fall, and you will really work that lists and those who do not. Once the data are in your segment of the review descriptions, and match them up to your responses, to see if there is a common theme among respondents who have not yet been scheduled.
Lists that are not drawing well at all, less than 25%, it can be abandoned for the time being. Lists in the mid 50% should be carefully considered and the selection criteria more closely aligned with those of the top 25%. The 25% can be sent by mail in volume. That represents 25% of all the characteristics that you want to emulate for mailings, providing a copy of the offer and will not change.
For non-profit organizations, this universe that will be used to select your tests is generally quite sharply defined, composed of two members, potential members of the group or some devices within or around your industry. Publications, les listes des membres d'organisations affiliées ou périphérique, la réunion ou salons participants, la liste des clients de tous les membres affiliés offrent des données plus fraîches que pour tester votre maison perspective liste, et il existe de nombreuses options au-delà those investigating. If your program is brand new and you start from scratch, try anything that seems reasonable - your assumptions are not as valid as the actual test data (see related article on the research data).
Once you have assembled a collection of validated data on the characteristics of your list of test, some of the selection criteria reliable, and realistic universe from which to draw the continuing work lists, the search is to locate on new listings that match these criteria as closely as possible Que. Be creative when sleuthing that may come from those.
If money is tight (when is it not?) You can offer lists of exchange with other interested parties. You can negotiate partial swaps, ask for a net name arrangements with larger sources of the list are viable once you have established a relationship with them, and there are a number of other approaches to buy lists unless the full fare. All they can do is say "No"
You have tinkered a set of lists, you feel will work on the basis of your test data, it's time to make it effective in the post. The Merge / Purge process is one that not only allows you to mail one piece by name, but the results of the purge according to the priorities that you have set tells you where your "good" sources of lists, how much cross-over is the list of sources, who really supplies the majority of your 'new' names, and a lot of other useful data. Be sure to work closely with your house data processing to achieve the merger / purge results you want.
Clean It Up
Now that you have a reliable partner, the efficient collection of many names on the basis of your test data, it is time to do the cleaning. Good data is not only the right names, but implies address hygiene, greeting and the kind of correction, updated mailing addresses, zip plus four others and append a list of cleaning chores, most of this that can be done electronically through processing software.
All this is done to make sure your carefully designed, well-written piece reaches its destination. Your house will probably mail, offer a number of options from the list hygiene, or know of a company processing data that can perform these functions at a per / mile. Enjoy all the ones you feel you need to get your squeaky clean. At the very least, address standardization, genderization, NCOA (National Change of Address) to update, zip +4, and postal presort should be applied, to help stimulate Your Rebate and save money .
The Offer
You have good data, good names in sufficient quantity and clean, accurate addresses, it is time to focus on what you sell. The offer is the heart of the direct mail piece. A carefully crafted offer can make or break a piece of mail response rate, but not the whole programme. The language and framing of this offer must be carefully studied.
It must be persuasive, not easily obtained elsewhere, a price well, relevant to the recipient, easy to understand and realize fast, not too complicated, and engage the audience. An enormous for a few sentences, but that is where the magic happens. Bids should be tested as rigorously as the lists. There are probably fewer variables with offer tests - there are only so many ways, the price of a product or service profitable - but how it is presented or framed almost infinite variations.
Confusion leads to "no response" from the audience, so keep it straight and simple as possible. Test prices only, premiums test, the test combinations or bundles of products, offering free trial samples, the test " 'til prohibit" offer (Record clubs raised to high art in the 80's with "Buy one, 12 more to get a penny for the rest of the year, unless you cancel" types of offerings), to try as much as you reasonably likely that whittle offer its most crystalline, effective better.
"Copy" does not Toner
Now you know that the product is capable of, under what circumstances they will buy it (or attend, or select it, or to vote for him, whatever the response is desired). Now it is time to know what aspect of the product really shines stage, the approach angle that the audience regarding the product, and what are the advantages and features, it will leave the shelf .
Copies should be a convincing description of the benefits to the purchaser of the product or service, price so that it seems almost too good to be true, apparently attractive if the buyer can not do without it. Copy, either long, short, poetic or realistic is the grease that allows the engine to run direct mail without the right to an answer - he leads the reader to the desired action, either to buy, store, monitor, mail back, enter, provide information, or dial.
Copies should be tested if you are promoting a new product, changes to an existing product, have minimal data or purchasing history for the public, or seek an entirely new package. Copy length could also drive a test format, just for the sheer space needed for a copy of the long, a letter package might be necessary to contain it, as opposed to the most popular postcard, with its limited real estate but low Bold colors and cost.
Talk to me!
The text should speak directly to the recipient - sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many times during the examination of packages, the copy contains only the directive tense "you" in the last line, if that. Talking to the reader and they put themselves in the position of listening and treat your copy as if you were speaking to them. Make sure all your responses to questions copy for the reader, "What's in it for me?" And it will sell. Copy of which has advantages in charge, sings softly to the reader, offers clear advantages benefits after imperative and met a couple of "small farm" are most likely to draw well - all the ingredients are there. All other things being equal, a good copy will be tight pull-out botched flaccid prose every time.
A word about length - there are no real "rules" on the copy - except if it works, use it. Copies should be long enough to tell the story to the reader, and not a word longer. If you take two pages to wax poetic on the latest techniques for disposal of industrial wastewater using solvents, so be it. If you test against stronger, more short and he loses copy - dump it! It's that simple.
Copy is a subjective element, like design, where everyone has an opinion, and in most cases, everyone is just as valid as the other. If your package has been tested extensively enough that you can test a single word to make a final choice appeal, you have other things to worry about - does not waste time arguing, put something in the mail!
Design - last but not least
Finally, the design of the package and its importance to the response rate, should be discussed. Design becomes more time spent compared to the effect on response than any other factor. Sometimes it for the reason mentioned above concerning the copy - it is subjective and everyone has a way of looking at the piece they are looking for. The only hard and fast rule on the design for the direct marketing is functioning properly. The postcard was printed inside right side? Does the device reaction fit easily into the envelope answer? Its function.
It should also be produced by the machines currently available in the electronic production facilities. There are as many formats as the imagination of marketing there, and some or all of them could work in circumstances - the only way to really know which is best is'. . . You guessed, the test! Test of a letter relative to a self-mailer, compared with a magalog, as opposed to a postcard, compared to a card in a deck, as opposed to a dimensional against a doormat (no longer Legal Postal). Test shapes, test multiple pieces, against one.
Since we mentioned at the beginning that the mail is a set of numbers, here's where good design can earn its stripes. Mail package the most expensive and testing of each component, removing each remail and until the response drops. The smallest number of pieces which has no adverse impact on the winning answer is - you want to test the Cadillac initially, and scale back 'til you are mailing VW beetle mass quantities. Good design should not be significant, it should just work to convey the message that the copy is proposed.
Now that you have your priorities in line successfully - provide, copy, design. Focus on your direct mail in order of priority, and your package will be lean, tight, effective and efficient. That is what we all shoot! "Enjoy!
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